The Happiness Bible: The Definitive Guide to Sustainable Well-Being
The Happiness Bible: The Definitive Guide to Sustainable Well-Being
- Binding: Paperback
The quest for happiness is universal. In this comprehensive guide to the history, art, science, psychology and attainment of happiness you will find the answers to those searching questions and discover how to live a fuller, happier life. After all, humans devote their entire lives to striving for happiness by one means or another. And yet, happiness does not just happen. It is a skill as much as a state. It takes effort, practice even. The Happiness Bible works with the reader to explain how happiness works and evolves, where it comes from, and how it can be nurtured and maintained in order to flourish. The book introduces the principles of positive psychology, the science of happiness, and how it works to achieve happiness. It examines what happiness studies have revealed and how positive psychology exercises help to banish the "thieves of happiness".